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In recent years, e-sports has become a global phenomenon, attracting millions of fans and ge


In recent years, e-sports has become a global phenomenon, attracting millions of fans and generating billions of dollars in revenue. As a result, many games have started to incorporate competitive modes to cater to this growing trend. One of these games is the Chinese action RPG, "Yingxiong Zhi Blade" (or "Blades of the Guardians" in English), which has recently launched a new e-sports mode. This article will explore what the new e-sports mode is, and how it is reshaping the e-sports landscape.


"Yingxiong Zhi Blade" is a popular Chinese action RPG developed and published by Chinese game developer, Pork Bun Games. The game is heavily inspired by traditional Chinese mythology and features a cast of fantastical characters with unique abilities and playstyles. It has gained a significant following in China since its release in 2018 and has won several awards, including the 2019 Apple Design Awards in China.

The New E-Sports Mode

The new e-sports mode in "Yingxiong Zhi Blade" is called the "Arena Challenge." It involves two teams of five players each battling it out in a series of rounds to see who comes out on top. The game mode takes place in an arena-style setting, with the teams starting on opposite ends of the map. The winner is determined by the team that wins the most rounds.

Each round in the "Arena Challenge" lasts for three minutes. During this time, the teams must defeat each other's players and gain control of specific points on the map to score points. There are also power-ups scattered throughout the map that can give teams a significant advantage over their opponents. The team with the most points at the end of the round wins that round.

Impact on the E-Sports Landscape

The launch of the "Arena Challenge" mode in "Yingxiong Zhi Blade" is significant for several reasons. Firstly, it consolidates the game's position as one of the leading e-sports titles in China. As e-sports continues to grow in popularity, game developers are increasingly looking to incorporate e-sports modes into their games. By launching an e-sports mode, "Yingxiong Zhi Blade" is tapping into this trend and positioning itself for continued success.

Secondly, it signals a shift in the types of games that are entering the e-sports space. "Yingxiong Zhi Blade" is unique in that it is an action RPG rather than a traditional e-sports title such as "League of Legends" or "Dota 2". The launch of the "Arena Challenge" mode shows that there is a growing appetite for competitive modes in other game genres. This could potentially open up the e-sports landscape to a wider range of games and audiences.

Lastly, the "Arena Challenge" mode in "Yingxiong Zhi Blade" is helping to reshape the e-sports landscape by introducing new gameplay mechanics and strategies. The power-ups and control points on the map require players to think strategically and work together as a team. This is different from traditional e-sports titles that often rely on individual skills and reflexes. The "Arena Challenge" mode in "Yingxiong Zhi Blade" is therefore contributing to the evolution of e-sports as a whole.


The launch of the "Arena Challenge" mode in "Yingxiong Zhi Blade" is an exciting development for both fans of the game and fans of e-sports. It consolidates the game's position as one of the leading e-sports titles in China, signals a shift in the types of games that are entering the e-sports space, and introduces new gameplay mechanics and strategies that may contribute to the evolution of e-sports as a whole.